It doesn’t matter if you’re sixteen or sixty, setting and accomplishing goals is invigorating and reminds us of our never-ending capacity for change and growth. At Owls Club we believe that is true for every age group, including seniors.. Just because older adults have many years behind them doesn’t mean the years ahead aren’t full of possibility. So seniors, take a moment for self-reflection and start dreaming about what the new year might hold. For the month of January, we’ll be sharing some ideas specifically suited for older adults to get you started.

1. Read More Books

Don’t underestimate the power of reading. Reading is linked with a number of positive outcomes for older adults, including enhanced memory retention, sharper decision-making skills, stress reduction, and better sleep. If you love a good discussion, look for online or in-person book clubs and triple the benefits!

2. Get Tech Savvy

There are many ways to stay connected and learn, and one of those ways involves technology. Your phones, laptops, and quick access to the internet provides stimulus and socialization in ever-increasing ways. Don’t get discouraged! Learning how to use these tools can be intimidating at first, but the results will be well worth it. (And the brain boosting benefits of learning something new is icing on top!)

3. Declutter Your Home

Consider making this the year of decluttering, but not for the reasons you think! Decluttering is about much more than a tidy house. At any age, our environment impacts us consciously and subconsciously and can contribute to our sense of well-being. Clutter can lead to a cluttered mind and make it difficult to focus, while a house free of clutter can leave you feeling refreshed and renewed.

4. Revive an Old Friendship

Social connections are vital to living a long and happy life, so start by taking advantage of the relationships you already have. Is there an old friend you haven’t talked to in a while? Take a chance and reach out to them. They may be longing for connection too.

5. Play More

You’ve already heard us quote George Bernard Shaw who said, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” Do you know why? Because playing boosts energy, vitality, and your body’s immune response. Whether its Pickleball, board games, or a weekly card night, consider joining an active group that regularly convenes for genuine play.

Check back next week for five more resolutions to help you squeeze the juice out of 2023 at any age.